Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I'm not big into any kind of talent show (singing, dancing, etc.) but this emotional performance from Attraction on Britain's Got Talent is absolutely beautiful. Check it out!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Traithlon Training Begins!

My boyfriend and I signed up for our first (sprint) triathlon on July 20th. We started the 8-week training program below last Monday. It's going well so far but I still have a long way to go. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Little Inspiration

If you have 20 minutes to spare, watch Zach Sobiech's story. It's truly inspiring.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

YUM ALERT: Braided Spaghetti Bread

I've made this twice in the last couple months and it's delicious! It's easy to make and a guaranteed crowd pleaser! The recipe I used is below:

  • 1 loaf bread dough (I used Rhodes frozen bread)
  • 6 ounces spaghetti noodles (I guestimated)
  • 1 cup spaghetti sauce 
  • 1/3 lb. ground beef or Italian meatballs
  • 8 ounces shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
  • Garlic Powder
  • Baking Sheet 
  • Rolling Pin
  • Parchment Paper

  • THAW BREAD DOUGH. The best way to do this is to put the frozen loaf in your refrigerator at least 24 hours before you're going to start cooking. The first time I made this I forgot this step. Putting the bread dough in a zip lock bag and putting that in your sink filled with cold water is an easy way to thaw the dough in about an hour.
  • Cook the spaghetti noodles and meat (if you choose to include this).
  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
  • Place the parchment paper on the baking sheet. This is to make sure the bread doesn't stick to the pan, if you don't have parchment paper, just spray the pan with some PAM.
  • Roll out the thawed bread dough into a rectangle. Do this directly on the parchment paper covered baking sheet.
  • Make cuts about 1 inch wide and 1 1/2 inches long along both sides. 
  • Mix the cooked spaghetti noodles, meat and sauce. Place these in the middle of the bread.
  • Add 8 ounces of mozzarella cheese on top.
  • Braid the dough by folding top and bottom strips toward filling. You'll braid strips left over right, right over left. Finish by pulling last strip over and tucking under braid. (Don't be discouraged if it doesn't look as good as it does in the picture.)
  • Brush the top with egg white. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and garlic powder.
  • Put in the oven for 35-40 minutes or until bread looks cooked.
  • ENJOY!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wait.. There's More to Life Than Being Happy?

This morning I was browsing Twitter, as usual, and I came across an article a friend tweeted from The Atlantic called "There's More to Life Than Being Happy." Most days, I would scroll right past an article this, but this morning it caught my eye.

I felt compelled to read the article because of a catch-up session I had last night with one of my college roommates and best friends. During the conversation, we both came to the realization that while we're content with where our lives are, we're missing something (and no that something is not an engagement ring). Lately, I've realized that the people who seem to live the most fulfilling and satisfying lives are those who give something of themselves to an organization, group or individuals they are passionate about. Whether this is spending your Saturday mornings at a local food pantry, volunteering to help at the humane society or coaching a youth soccer team; it's giving a little bit of your time and talents to others with no expectation of receiving something in return.  This giving ultimately allows us to feel that our life is meaningful and worthwhile, which is probably what most people on the "pursuit of happiness" are actually looking for. The article in The Atlantic explains just this and tells the incredible story of a man who lived a very meaningful life. It's a long read, but definitely worth it, I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone!

So, I've decided to search for a volunteer opportunity in Indianapolis. I haven't decided what I want to do yet but I will keep you posted!